showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionrank
Ultima: Exodus  FCI;Pony Canyon (Origin)1987This is the ultimate role playing fantasy game. You put together a team of any four character - assume their identities and powers - to conquer the evil Exodus who has created havoc in Britannia. Hostile forests, high mountains, and dangerous oceans all stand in your way as you destroy monsters, search for gold, find clues, and explore dungeons to discover the hiding place of Exodus.

-5 year lithium battery saves score and play position
-Exciting animated graphics
-Full sound effects
-Multi-character interplay
-100 hours of game time

For harder challenges, you can change teams or create your own characters. Memory can score and save three games individually.***Well, this is a good port of the third Ultima game. Looks brighter and friendlier than the computer versions, but has the same depths in gameplay. On the other hand I think that Ultima became really good with the fourth game. The third one is a bit on slow side without the great story and virtue topic of the later games. Dungeons look all the same and are pretty complicated. Fights take a bit too long, because you have to move each character on a mini battle map and it's tedious after a while. In the end its a game that has more depths like Dragon Quest style games, but the extra elements are also not really fun to play with today.
Die Hard  Activision;Playtronic;Pack-In-Video (Activision)1991 labelimageminimize